Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Clayton Kershaw freezes Jarrett Parker on knee-buckling curveball (Video)

Jarrett Parker curveball

Clayton Kershaw had his Cy Young stuff working on Tuesday. And by Cy Young stuff, we mean his filthy, borderline no-hitter, why-even-bother-to-step-into-the-box stuff.

Take a look at this knee-buckling curveball he froze poor rookie Jarrett Parker with:

That pitch had more hook than a Murphy Lee song.

No surprise, Kershaw blanked the Giants in a 1-hit, 13-strikeout shutout to clinch the NL West. Poor Parker. The look of frustration all over his face makes you just feel badly for him. He was so overmatched. Someone give him a hug.

from Larry Brown Sports

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