Friday, August 28, 2015

Sarah Palin on Curt Schilling suspension: ESPN buys into propaganda of ISIS


One of America’s most beloved Republicans has taken a stance against the way one of America’s other favorite Republicans was punished by his employer for a recent tweet.

In a lengthy Facebook post on Thursday, Sarah Palin defended Curt Schilling and his recent tweet about radical Muslims. (Editor’s note: Yeah, I was kidding about the whole “beloved” thing). The entire rant was pretty entertaining, so here it is:


ESPN – what happened to you? Your intolerant PC police are running amok and making a joke out of you!

By picking and choosing who they’ll tolerate and who they’ll try to destroy, ESPN has zero credibility as a sound and reasonable media outlet. They suspended former major league great Curt Schilling because of his tweet:

“Only 5-10% of Muslims are extremists. In 1940, only 7% of Germans were Nazis. How’d that go?”

ESPN reacted about as fast as a Schilling pitch, wimpering, “Curt’s tweet was completely unacceptable, and in no way represents our company’s perspective. We have removed him from his current assignment… pending further consideration.”

Two points – well, three, because Curt’s a pretty conservative/independent guy.

One – there’s been crude, rude bile spewing from the once-great sports network for years now. Trust me. I know. My name and reputation’s been in it. One ESPN affiliate’s on-air rant featuring their misogynist, animalistic “analysts” grunting and giggling through an entire x-rated celebration of violence against women didn’t even draw a chirp from ESPN’s wussified leaders. Look it up; I don’t want to have to recount it. ESPN radio affiliate in Las Vegas got its kicks out of convicted rapist Mike Tyson describing the next rape he’d want to see. (Warning, graphic language throughout that Sept. 20, 2011 broadcast.)

Two – Schilling’s tweet – was he wrong? No! In fact his stats were too generous in estimating Muslims’ attitudes. Reports show it’s 88% of Egyptian Muslims favoring DEATH for anyone who leaves Islam. The majority of Muslims in many other places share the sentiment. In America, these views could be correctly described as “extreme.”

The difference between Hitler’s army and the genocidal maniacs of ISIS is that the jihadists don’t have as much power … yet.

By denying the accuracy of Schilling’s tweet, ESPN shows its weakness as it buys into the propaganda of ISIS and other terror organizations, helping mislead the public about the very real threat of terrorism. It shows once again that ESPN would rather concentrate on liberal global politics instead of report well on our beloved sports.

From those of us who used to LOVE the network (to the point of addiction, some would confess!), I say to ESPN – you are awful in this. Stick to sports.

We know ESPN is always overly concerned with its public image — except, for some reason, when it came to this piece of Deflategate reporting. Still, accusing the network of buying into ISIS propaganda seems like a bit of a stretch. The backlash created from Schilling’s tweet kind of left ESPN with no choice.

from Larry Brown Sports

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