Thursday, September 8, 2016

USM: The world is a (steel) sphere | News | Architonic

What comes to mind when you hear the word trend? Is it the latest colour directions at Paris fashion week? Or the latest innovations that leverage big data? The term trend can conjure up a multitude of mental reference points, from short-term fashion fads to long-term technological drivers of change that can disrupt sectors and affect businesses globally. Whatever your reference point, one thing is for sure: we are bombarded by 'new trend’ information on a regular basis and it is hard to make sense of what is meaningful. So how can we cut through the noise and identify what’s really relevant? <b>Trend one: Simplification</b> Let's start by looking back. Minimalism and the corresponding simplification of features and functions have been around for decades. Dieter Rams much-celebrated ‘10 principles for good design’ from the 1970s states, ‘Good design is as little design as possible.’ In the digital age, the unbundling of an app’s features into a suite of mono-function products is a

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