Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Material Tendencies: Giulio Iacchetti | News | Architonic

<b>Architonic caught up with the Italian designer to find out which material he would chose if asked to work with just one for the next three years.</b> <b>Giulio Iacchetti:</b> At this moment I think wood is the material with the most possibilities. Wood is the world’s most ancient material. It is highly versatile and therefore offers maximum freedom during the design process. <b>Is there any material that you could immediately reject?</b> Yes, those types of materials that are defined as innovative and futuristic. They disappear in a relatively short space of time. It seems that designers are supposed always to be keen on these new materials that have just emerged out of some research process. But normally they are very expensive and we cannot prove their performance over the years. I think that materials need to be verifiable, because we are making projects that should last for several epochs – or at least this should be our target. <b>At what point within the design process d

from New stories by Architonic

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