Thursday, February 16, 2017

The ‘avventura’ continues: Presenting Ventura Lambrate & Ventura Centrale 2017 – 9 February 2017 | Industry News | Architonic

<b>The undiscovered station vaults – Ventura Centrale</b> Imagine walking into the scenic, abandoned vaults of one of Italy’s major train stations. The heritage status of the spaces and the endless possibilities dazzled us with excitement. This was the feeling that Margriet Vollenberg, director of Ventura Projects, experienced when first encountering the potential of these ‘theatrical’ spaces. Ventura Centrale was born and the newly found spaces were easily matched with the right exhibitors. Maurizio Borletti expresses the desire of Grandi Stazioni Retail to inject new life into these connected warehouses situated alongside the famous train station. With the initiative of presenting the site-specific design installations to the public, the vaults are coming back to life. SALVIATI The two installations of glass craftsmanship by Salviati (in collaboration with Luca Nichetto and Ben Gorham) will interact forcefully with the light in the station’s old warehouses, forming a great exa… continue

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