Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Empire Strikes Back: Vienna Design Week's tenth-anniversary edition | News | Architonic

Austria’s empire might be long gone, but its former imperial might is still writ large in its capital's grandiose imperial architecture. In the contemporary, global scheme of things, of course, Vienna isn’t that big. And certainly for the author of this piece, who made an almost direct passage at the end of September from the London Design Festival to Vienna Design Week, there was less ground to cover in the city of coffee houses and prancing horses than on the island. That said, it’s highly fertile ground, where unbridled (no pun intended) creativity meets a virtuosity of craftsmanship. And size isn’t everything, as they are wont to say. It may operate on a limited budget, but VDW as design showcase punches well above its weight. <b>Macro/Micro</b> A particular conceptual strand of this year’s tenth-anniversary edition of VDW was that of scale and the relation between the individual element and the whole. Just as the festival’s showrooms and other exhibition sites located throughout… continue

from New stories by Architonic

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