Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Lightening the mood | News | Architonic

Show somebody who knows Wogg hundreds of pieces of furniture and they’ll be able to pick out the company’s products straight away,” says Mark Werder, head of division at Wogg. A look at the product range reveals a diverse spectrum of furniture. But there’s one thing all the individual pieces have in common: a delicate, clear design language with striking details. Or as Werder puts it: “It’s the unique combination of aesthetics, lightness and cleverness in our products that sets Wogg apart.” And it’s true: the furniture cannot be compared with other products and has a highly distinctive character that undoubtedly plays no small part in the company’s success. Wogg also has a keen instinct for joining forces with the right designers at the right time. There are few influential Swiss designers who do not feature in Wogg’s directory. Famous names like Hans Eichenberger, Gerd Lange or Trix and Robert Haussmann were among those whose creative designs helped the company make its mark back in t… continue

from New stories by Architonic http://ift.tt/2wGzekS

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