Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Design in a New Dress: Bette | News | Architonic

In 2017 it is, unexpectedly, not the Italians but the Danes who are telling us which way the trend is going. And the buzzword here is ‘hygge’, denoting warmth, comfort and security – qualities we all desire and seek out. We can find this primarily at home: in the kitchen, the living room, the bedroom and, yes, now also the bathroom. The bathroom industry, too, is attempting to serve the need for a new, decelerated lifestyle-rhythm. Some of the approaches it is taking are interesting and abstract – at first glance provoking grins of amazement, but mainly piquing our curiosity. When we consider a material like enamelled steel, after all, it isn’t the notion of domestic comfort that most immediately comes to mind. Yet this traditional material isn’t so far removed from cosiness as one might think, as the Delbrück-based enamelled steel specialist Bette demonstrates. In a new bathroom series, Bette has perfectly united the advantages of two contrasting components, showing that they indeed b… continue

from New stories by Architonic

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