Wednesday, May 31, 2017

São Paulo: Entwerfen in einer Stadt der Gegensätze (Teil II) | News | Architonic

Mitten im chaotischen Zentrum von São Paulo liegt das Studio mk27, das in den frühen 1980er-Jahren von Marcio Kogan gegründet wurde. Heute besteht es aus 21 bürointernen und mehreren internationalen Partnern. Nebst unzähligen Entwürfen und Tätigkeiten im Lehrbereich repräsentierte das Studio Brasilien 2012 an der Biennale in Venedig. Das Prinzip der Kollaboration ist für das Büro ausschlaggebend - sie verkörpert eine demokratische Arbeitsform, bei der jeder verantwortliche Architekt eines Projekts zusammen mit Marco Kogan jeweils Co-Autor ist. Dies soll auch die Arbeitsteilung minimieren: Der verantwortliche Architekt begleitet das Projekt vom ersten Kontakt mit dem Klienten bis hin zur Ausführung der Details. Den Anfangspunkt eines Entwurfs bilden stets eine Mischung von sozialen, klimatischen und topografischen Eigenschaften des Ortes wie auch die Wünsche und Anforderungen der Bauherren. «Mit je-dem Projekt wird eine neue Geschichte erzählt, die niemals der vorherigen entsprech… continue

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Something's Brewing: Gaggenau | News | Architonic

“They’ve got an awful lot of coffee in Brazil,” famously crooned Frank Sinatra. But what Ol’ Blue Eyes failed to mention is that they’ve got a lot of coffee, well, everywhere. Indonesia, Colombia, Honduras, India, Ethiopia, Peru, Uganda… It may come as a surprise to some that their daily cup of brewed bean might have started out life in Vietnam, for example, the world’s second-largest coffee producer. The Asian nation is estimated to have shipped over 10 million bags of the stuff in the second half of 2016 alone, an increase of over 10% on the same period the previous year. And this certainly fits with the global picture, which sees coffee-export levels across the board going up, and, concomitantly, stocks in coffee-consuming countries rising. In February 2017, reserves in the United States reached a colossal 6.45 million bags, the highest level since May 2003. That’s a lot of bean. Much to the delight of commodity traders, coffee is big business. According to the London-based Int… continue

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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

New collection Architectural Lighting | Industry News | Architonic

Light admits no errors, especially in architecture. An essential element, which requires the utmost attention and which must blend in with the environment, surrounding space and landscape elements. A challenge that Linea Light Group welcomed by creating a new collection of products, which take on board contemporary design trends combined with technological know-how and illumination design study. Optics design means performance and quality of light, so as to offer the best control of emissions by proposing innovative updated solutions on the basis of designers’ requests. When attention is fully focussed on the light, emission must be extremely “clean”, studied to ensure best visual comfort. One of the more distinctive new products is Tour - a pendant light, which conceptually acts as a link between the design and the architectural collections. It has an aluminium housing and an opaline diffuser offering three types of emission (direct, indirect and internal) and six brand new fini… continue

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Shapely Figures | News | Architonic

Schätti Leuchten is a young brand. It was created in 2012, when managing director Thomas Schätti first presented the Tabular and Pendar lamps at Designers’ Saturday in Langenthal. It is an offshoot of the family-run company Schätti AG Metallwarenfabrik, which he manages together with his brothers Jos and Stefan. Schätti has a wealth of expertise in sheet metal forming and is based in Schwanden, an Alpine community in the Canton of Glarus. Founded about 80 years ago, the company started out making furniture components but has established apparatus engineering as a second core area over the last ten years, as well as developing and producing various lighting projects and designer luminaires. The Schätti Leuchten collection resulted from the firm’s long-standing collaboration with designer Jörg Boner, who developed the three-leafed Dri lamp for the company’s 75th anniversary in 2009. Until recently, the main focus was on luminaires for working environments and architectural lighting. Now,… continue

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Monday, May 29, 2017

Beats per Minute: Technogym | News | Architonic

Going to the gym is a pastime some people love and some loathe, but one that becomes far more pleasurable if the equipment and environment combine to provide a stylish. Italian firm Technogym, which specialises in supplying technology- and design-driven products and services for the wellness and fitness industry, has always understood the value of design in encouraging people to engage in physical activity, and has worked with some of the world’s leading architects to create products and stores that reflect the concept of wellness at the heart of the Technogym brand. Technogym believes that creating a pleasant space for exercise helps people feel more relaxed and comfortable, which enhances their psychological well-being while they improve their physical fitness. This philosophy extends to Technogym’s stores, where customers experience the firm’s gym equipment alongside ideas relating to fitness and health within a tailored brand-led setting. The company’s new flagship store, in one… continue

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Cila | Industry News | Architonic

A simple gesture, a sensuous feel. The fluid form of Cila was inspired by the image of layers of cloth enveloping the body. Its silhouette of smooth lines retains a graphic character from its distinctive curve––the most essential symbol of shelter. Like being protected, like being held. Cila’s easy shape blends into both residential and contract environments and is especially well suited for dining and entertaining contexts. Comfortable yet lightweight, Cila’s plastic shell can be customized in six colors with optional seat cushions or fully upholstered in a range of textures, colors, and styles. Base and leg options include metal legs, wooden legs, a metal sled or a trestle base. Cila is currently in preview with customized orders beginning January 2018. continue

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Sunday, May 28, 2017

Pure and Self-evident: Sebastian Herkner for Schönbuch | Industry News | Architonic

An innovative combination of traditional craftsmanship and new technologies – this is the basis on which Sebastian Herkner develops his work. While studying at the HfG (University of Art and Design) in Offenbach, he spent a placement period with Stella McCartney in London. In 2006 he opened his own studio in Offenbach, and since then has numbered international furniture and lifestyle brands among his clients. Sebastian Herkner’s work has gained various leading design awards. It includes interior outfitting projects and a position as lecturer at the HfG. His creative processes exhibit a clear foundation in functionality and sustainability. For Schönbuch, Sebastian Herkner designed the TUB product line with coat stand and console table, and SLOT, a minimalist wall-mounted wardrobe product line. Photos: Schönbuch (7), Ingmar Kurth (1) continue

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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

São Paulo: Entwerfen in einer Stadt der Gegensätze (Teil I) | News | Architonic

São Paulo präsentiert sich heute als chaotischer Gigant. Gegensätze prägen ihn. Beim Anblick der grauen Megacity fällt es schwer, sich das bis Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts relativ unbedeutende Vila de São Paulo vorzustellen. Um die Jahrhundertwende sorgte die boomende Kaffeeindustrie für eine dynamische Entwicklung. Überschüssiges Kapital konnte in eine aufkommende Industrialisierung und den Ausbau der Infrastruktur investiert werden. Nach Abschaffung der Sklaverei initiierte der Staat eine gezielte Immigrationspolitik, um den Bedarf an Arbeitskräften zu decken. Für Einwanderer aus Südeuropa, dem nahen Osten und Japan bot die Stadt ideale Bedingungen, was zu einem multiethnischen Sozialgefüge führte. Im 20. Jahrhundert entwickelte sich São Paulo zum grössten industriellen Ballungsraum in Lateinamerika und agiert seither weltweit als bedeutendes Finanz- und Handelszentrum. Zeitgleich wuchs auch die Bevölkerung. Die Metropolitanregion São Paulo verfügt heute über eine stolze Einwohnerzahl… continue

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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

3 Tips to Maximize Bathroom Space

Content originally published and Shared from

Clutter can easily make a room look smaller. But if you already have a small bathroom to begin with, keeping things organized may not be enough to make the space look easy on the eyes. To make a bathroom look bigger, maximize the space by following these tips:

Image Source: Flickr

Open Up Floor Space
If you have alternative storage or a linen closet, replace the vanity cabinet with a pedestal or wall-mount sink. While the additional floor space won’t exactly be usable, it will trick the eye into believing the room is larger. Source: DIYNetwork

Use Glass
Get rid of the shower curtain or frosted-glass shower doors and replace them with clear glass. It will open up the shower area, making it a part of the entire room and giving the appearance of more space. Source: DIYNetwork

Trick the Eye
Various visual effects give the illusion of more space in your bathroom than actually exists. A well-placed mirror reflects light and adds depth to a room. Hang one large mirror in the bathroom, positioning it so it’s one of the first things you see when you walk in the door. Or add a decorative eye-catching focal point such as a painting, sculpture or plant. Having something attractive for the eye to fall on takes the focus off of the fact that the space is small.
Painting in light, neutral tones also helps open up the room, as does using multiple shades of the same light paint color. Opt for paint colors like beige, cream, taupe and off-white, as well as muted blue, gray, yellow, pink and blue. If you want bright complementary colors, introduce them through accessories like towels and soap dispensers. Source: Learn.CompactAppliance


Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta

The post 3 Tips to Maximize Bathroom Space appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

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Sleeping on Cloud Nine | News | Architonic

We spend a third of our lives asleep. That’s why, besides being essential for our wellbeing and ability to function in everyday life, restful sleep is also key to a healthy life in general. This awareness is also very much in evidence among the general public. “In Switzerland, customers have become much more sensitive when it comes to sleep,” confirms Peter Patrik Roth, managing director and owner of Roviva. “They want the best.” And in this family-run business, only the best is good enough. Founded in 1748, the old-established company has a wealth of experience to draw on. Values like tradition, innovation and sustainability play a central role. And although much has changed over the years, Roviva has stayed true to its core competencies. Its product philosophy has always been based on five pillars that consider sleep in its entirety: Hygiene Concept, Climate Balance, Ergonomic Expertise, Comfort & Enjoyment and Nature Experience. Tradition and innovation go hand in hand at Roviva, as… continue

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Monday, May 22, 2017

Ghostly Logic | News | Architonic

From an isolated plateau in Spain’s Matarraña forest to the fair floor at Kortrijk Xpo, Solo House demonstrates the best of OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen’s holistic approach. The Brussels-based firm curated this year’s Biennale Interieur on the celebratory occasion of its 25th edition, which ran from 14 to 23 October. OFFICE created an installation for the event that drew on the firm’s Mondrian-inspired, city grid scenography and evoked the original residence in the Spanish countryside. With porous glass walls, integrated technology and a self-sufficient energy system, the 45-metre-wide circular house takes advantage of 360-degree vistas from its woodland perch. With this attempt at ‘invisible architecture,’ OFFICE has employed the highly Modernist approach of transcending distinctions between indoor and outdoor living. Nature is easily accessible as the modular rooms open up to suit different occasions. In a similar Modernist fashion, the house was built using only machines,… continue

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Arcos | Industry News | Architonic


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Material Tendencies: Maarten Baas | News | Architonic

Our team recently spoke with Baas about his intuitive way of creating. <b>If you had with one material for the next three years, which would you choose?</b> The whole handicap of my career is that I never work with the same material. I wish I had a specialism. One day I am creating a 12 hour movie, another, I am learning how to preserve burned wood and how to make clay furniture. I couldn’t choose one material. My way of working is never one way. I feel what keeps it fresh is the explosion that happens in your head when you don’t know what to do with the material. So if I was forced to work with only one material, I think I would quit my job. <b>In the design process, what comes first? The shape, idea or material?</b> The idea is always first and then I fill it in with the material and the technique. Though, sometimes I already have quite a clear idea of what kind of material would fit because it is part of the concept. Once I made a very superficial kind of piece in bronze − a gu… continue

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Sunday, May 21, 2017

More in Store: New Retail Architecture | News | Architonic

The retail revolution brought about by online shopping has had a profound effect on the architecture and design of the high street. Both established and emerging brands are seeking out new ways to encourage shoppers to visit their outlets in order to optimise this valuable real estate. Designers are increasingly being tasked with developing retail environments that reward those who do make it off the sofa and into stores. Their role is to provide experiences that are different to those available in the digital realm. The best examples use space, colour, texture and interactive elements to transform shopping into an event that stimulates the senses and immerses consumers in the world of the brand. Demonstrating how a brand’s identity can be translated directly into a store interior, local studio AN Design created a monochrome space above a furniture store in Hangzhou, China, for fashion label Heike. The company’s predominantly black clothing informed a dark material palette that helps t… continue

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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Biodynamic light – easily implemented | Industry News | Architonic

<b>Plug & Light</b> Thanks to the external controller PULSE NET, the natural light effect of the Waldmann light management system PULSE VTL can be easily combined with room luminaires such as the IDOO family by Waldman for biodynamic lighting. During installation the autonomous DALI real-time controller PULSE NET is mounted in the building. It provides information on light level and light colour for several luminaires. This information is stored on an SD card. The intelligent controller guarantees that in the presence of several luminaires light colour and brightness work synchronously in the direct and indirect light components. No read-in of individual luminaires or storing of time schedules or groups is required. <b>Stimulating light effect</b> PULSE VTL provides motivating light in the office. All day. The innovative light management system brings the dynamics of natural daylight to the interior of the building and expands the emotional and ergonomic aspects of light quality. Bio… continue

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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The CDW countdown heats up! | Industry News | Architonic

Highlights this year include some of CDW’s most ambitious installations yet, such as The Beacon, a 7.5m tall structure located at the entrance to Design Fields and inspired by the Tower of Babel. The installation will give visitors the chance to climb up the internal staircase to a spectacular viewing platform in walking distance of the specially designed talks pavilion hosting this year’s Conversations at Clerkenwell sponsored by eporta, hosting speakers include Doshi Levien, Sadie Morgan and Jean Marie Massaud. Nearby will be Buzzijungle by Buzzispace, a playful elevated work-lounge space that visitors can climb, lounge and meet in. Meanwhile Hakwood will unveil Double Vision, a 4 meter high structural installation of recursive patterns nestled within the historic Clerkenwell Close creating an uplifting moment for visitors whilst walking the exhibition route. St John’s Square will be home to The Bolt: A Celebration of Craft, by Detroit-based manufacturer, Shinola and London materials… continue

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Independent | Design | Architonic

The first thing you notice when you enter the furniture factory is the smell of freshly sawn wood. Stacked on trestles near the entrance, sheets of wood are waiting to be turned into furniture or interior fixtures. “We have a just-in-time production strategy,” says Jan Röthlisberger, who manages the family-run firm’s collection and its 70 staff. “Because we don’t have a lot of storage capacity, we only ever place orders with our Swiss suppliers for the materials we need for the day and the jobs in hand.” Take Torsio from the furniture collection, for instance: Röthlisberger’s wood engineers and designer Hanspeter Steiger spent two years perfecting it until the chair looked and felt just the way they had envisaged it. Torsio is made of thin layers of veneer that are glued together and pressed. Towards the seat and legs, more layers are used so as to give the chair the necessary flexibility and create an elegant look. The chair is extremely comfortable because the wood still has a certai… continue

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Monday, May 15, 2017

3 Tips on How to Design a Bathroom

Content originally published and Shared from

A bathroom remodel can make a huge impact on your home’s comfort level. In this short post we’ll cover some tips on how to design your bathroom. Read on!

Image Source: Flickr

Consider Layouts
A two-wall layout gives you more flexibility. The sink and toilet can be plumbed on one wall and the tub and shower on the other. The three-wall layout is the most versatile and also the most complicated and expensive. Working with a certified bathroom designer or architect can help you avoid costly mistakes and make the best use of space. Source: BHG

Assess Costs
Get tips for creating and managing your remodeling budget. Break down renovation costs and discover budget-friendly options.

  • Creating a Budget
  • Where to Splurge and Save
  • Cheap vs. Steep
  • Expenses to Expect
  • Remodeling for Resale Source: HGTV

Fixtures and Components
The easiest sinks to install are those which hang from the wall. Vanity sinks look great if you have the space and budget. Other things to consider are whether you want the sink to be self-rimming or rimless and flush or framed. Don’t forget that a small storage cabinet is a great feature for linens and cleaning supplies.
Most toilets are comprised of 2 pieces, which are the tank and the bowl, but you can also install a single piece toilet. You also must choose between a reverse trap toilet and a siphon-jet toilet, the latter is the more efficient flushing system. Source: DoItYourself


Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta

The post 3 Tips on How to Design a Bathroom appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada

Brasília: Eine Stadt in Bewegung (Teil II) | News | Architonic

21. 4. 2016: Die Stadt ist still, denn heute ist ein Nationalfeiertag in Brasilien. Gewürdigt wird der Dragonerleutnant genannt Triadentes, der als Anführer einer Gruppe von Freiheitskämpfern am 21. 4. 1792 hingerichtet wurde. Zugleich ist es der Jahrestag von Brasília, denn JK hatte die Einweihung genau auf diesen Termin gelegt, weil der revolutionäre Zusammenschluss 1789 erstmals die Forderung nach einer Hauptstadtverlegung in das Landesinnere erhob. Im nach JKs Frau benannten Parque da Cidade Dona Sa-rah Kubitschek, der mit 4,2 km² Fläche als Lateinamerikas grösster Stadtpark gilt und auch die Liste der lokalen Superlative bereichert, findet ein Megapicknick statt. Üblicherweise hält man sich im «grünen Herzen» Brasílias zum Spazieren, Joggen, Walken, Fahrradfahren oder Skaten auf. Heute wird indes in grossem Stil gegrillt, geplaudert, getanzt, geruht. Vor vier Jah-ren organisierte die Initiative «Picnik» zum ersten Mal ein Event, um die Bevölkerung und die Kreativwirtschaft Brasíli… continue

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Glenn Sestig: Architectural Lines | News | Architonic

His interiors are urban, almost an extension of the outside world. They are rigid and precise like a city grid yet refined in their composition. With a limited selection of high-quality materials, Glenn Sestig is able to evoke visions of old-school grandeur and elegance but to call him a minimalist would be too easy. His is a muted kind of luxury, informed by modern life and the essentials of space and utility. The Ghent-based architect has put his stamp on shops, galleries, nightclubs, offices and private residences across his native Belgium. Yet in order to find the common denominator in his eclectic portfolio, one must look beneath the surface at the thought process that goes into each project he executes. Discussing his latest projects with TLmag, Sestig reveals an architecture that is specific to the place and the moment. <b>Your work is characterised by an architectural approach to volume and perspective. What inspired you to apply these principles to interior design? </b> To continue

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Sink Rethink: Franke's Innovative New Chef Center | News | Architonic

When is a sink not a sink? When it’s Franke’s new game-changing Chef Center. Never happy with the status quo of things, Franke – the leading kitchen-systems provider internationally as well as the world’s largest manufacturer of stainless-steel sinks – is always cooking up something innovative. Questions such as ‘How can we do this better?’ and ‘How can we improve people’s lives?’ are their constant bread and butter – and whatever else you can find in the creative cupboard. Take their popular Frames by Franke system, launched two years ago. Supremely modular and emphatically architectural, it’s the market’s first-ever total product line, allowing architects, planners and other specifiers to frame their kitchen projects according to their exacting professional expectations. The 2017 edition of ICFF, the New York high-end luxury fair, sees the launch into the North American market of the latest paradigm-shifting concepts from Franke’s in-house design team – with all the consideration… continue

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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Elbphilharmonie Hotel Hamburg | Industry News | Architonic

<b>Landmark with "inner" qualities Where the Elbphilharmonie provides a silent retreat</b> The Elbphilharmonie is now open and the critical voices have quickly turned into a cheering orchestra. The world of architecture agrees – Herzog & de Meuron has created a masterpiece. But not only the quality of the building from the outside is what people notice. The transparent façade also caters for special moments inside. The floor-to-ceiling windows especially in the bathrooms in the Westin Hotel offer unparalleled views over the busy port life. The hotel designer Tassilo Bost with his compelling concept has laid the foundation for guests to have an unforgettable experience in the bathrooms. <b>The glass bathroom Extroverted privacy next to the façade </b> In a world that is getting ever louder, people are increasingly looking for more peaceful moments. Hotels especially have to combine the contrasting poles of “openness” and “privacy” to ensure guests feel comfortable. Bathrooms pla… continue

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Friday, May 12, 2017

Brasília: Eine Stadt in Bewegung (Teil I) | News | Architonic

Tatsächlich hat man mir nicht zu viel versprochen: Bei der Ankunft im April ist das Wetter strahlend, bilderbuchhafte Wolkengebilde zieren das Firmament. Es bietet sich an, als Erstes den von Lúcio Costa entworfenen Fernsehturm in der Mitte der Planstadt zu erklimmen. Aus luftiger Höhe betrachtet wird schnell klar: Weniger der Himmel ist hier anders, denn die konzeptionelle Stadtanlage. Die ungewöhnlich flache Ausdehnung und luftige Bebauung dürfte Einwohnern und Besuchern Anlass zur Wahrnehmung eines besonders himmlischen Flairs geben. 1957 gewann Lúcio Costa den Wettbewerb zur Gestaltung der neuen Hauptstadt Brasi-liens. In letzter Minute hatte er seinen Vorschlag mit Text und Skizzen abge-geben. Unter den 26 eingereichten Pro-jekten brasilianischer Architekten ver-mochte sein augenscheinlich schlichter, doch von deutlichem Gestus geprägter «Plano Piloto» (Leitplan) die internati-onal besetzte Jury zu überzeugen. Die Stadt müsse von Anfang an einen Haupt-stadtcharakter vorweisen, not… continue

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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Breathe the Light: Linea Light Group at Euroluce 2017 | Industry News | Architonic

Synecdoche. “Rhetorical figure of speech whereby one uses a word figuratively to mean more or part of its whole.” This is how Linea Light Group decided to interpret the technological design of the 6 top products in the stand at Euroluce. The theme was dealt with by extrapolating the main characteristic of each lighting fixture to describe its entirety. The products were installed in such a way as to enhance not only the design itself, but also the material component, highlighted by installations that suggested shapes without, however, translating them into meaning. In this way six environments were created with iconic forms, characterised by pure, almost dreamlike elements, which complemented and at the same time drew attention to the minimalist lines of the products on display. These environments featured 5 products from the Material & Design Lighting collection: Mongolfier, Monarque, Diphy, Oxygen and Flurry in brand new versions with new finishes, sizes and shapes. Adde… continue

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Design in a New Dress: Bette | News | Architonic

In 2017 it is, unexpectedly, not the Italians but the Danes who are telling us which way the trend is going. And the buzzword here is ‘hygge’, denoting warmth, comfort and security – qualities we all desire and seek out. We can find this primarily at home: in the kitchen, the living room, the bedroom and, yes, now also the bathroom. The bathroom industry, too, is attempting to serve the need for a new, decelerated lifestyle-rhythm. Some of the approaches it is taking are interesting and abstract – at first glance provoking grins of amazement, but mainly piquing our curiosity. When we consider a material like enamelled steel, after all, it isn’t the notion of domestic comfort that most immediately comes to mind. Yet this traditional material isn’t so far removed from cosiness as one might think, as the Delbrück-based enamelled steel specialist Bette demonstrates. In a new bathroom series, Bette has perfectly united the advantages of two contrasting components, showing that they indeed b… continue

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Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Young Pioneers | News | Architonic

A good ten years ago, Reseda started out with the idea of making solid wood furniture to order in its local region. Today the concept is more in demand than ever: individual designer furniture that reflects its users’ personality and is made to last. A careful and thoughtful approach to materials is one of the company’s top priorities: the wood, for instance, is only ordered in the required measurements once an order has been placed – a sustainable idea that Reseda pursues at various levels. An example: the same three designers have been shaping Reseda’s product repertoire for five years. “We’re interested in long-term collaboration with people who are on the same wavelength and can help us move forward,” says managing director Andreas Niederer of the company’s philosophy. Any piece of furniture – whether it’s a dresser, shelving unit or cabinet – can be configured at the showroom, using a specially developed programme to select the size, colour and materials. That ensures there are no… continue

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