Friday, January 20, 2017

Run to the Hills!: new cabin architecture | News | Architonic

Geopolitical turbulence isn’t the half of it. Factor in the increasing stress levels that attend modern urban life, not to mention winter and its vitamin-D-stripping cruelty, and you’d be forgiven for wanting to seek out some splendid isolation. Man, nature, and a whole lot of wood. Architectural grandee Le Corbusier understood how the simple life could achieved in built form when he designed his Cabanon, the minimal-is-beautiful, programmatically perfect holiday cabin on the Côte d’Azur, which, 65 years after its construction, still serves as a creative touchstone for micro architecture today. (The design process was, allegedly, diminutive too, taking under an hour.) <b>TOM'S HUT, WIENERWALD, AUSTRIA</b> A raft of architects internationally have been getting back to basics recently, rediscovering the joys of designing cabins – predominantly timber structures out in the wiles – for clients motivated by a desire for physical recuperation, mental relaxation and creative inspiration.… continue

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