Monday, August 22, 2016

headline.browser-titleMaterial Tendencies: Werner Aisslinger

<b>Architonic spoke to the German designer about his broad spectrum of interests and got his thoughts on the future of design.</b> <b>Which material would you choose if you had to restrict yourself to working with just one for the next three years?</b> Plastics and carbon aren’t of great interest to me at the moment. I prefer natural materials – things that lead back into the natural cycle, but not necessarily recycled materials. As a designer, you don’t want to create anything that you can’t justify in terms of energy consumption, that doesn’t decompose, or that requires a high energy input. I think that, for example, clay is underestimated and hasn’t been used often enough in the history of design. <b> Could you say a few words about your spout creation for the Axor WaterDream project 2016. What material have you used?</b> Since Roman times, water was stored in clay amphoras, so it is a material that is super connected to water. The message of this spout design – a clay basin

from New stories by Architonic

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