Wednesday, September 13, 2017

What’s art got to do with it?: Laufen | News | Architonic

What is art? Well, how long have you got? To be honest, this isn’t really the forum for an in-depth discussion of art’s motivations and meanings. But let’s agree that it can (or should?), with its calling into question of social, political and economic structures, be a means of affecting a conversation, and through this, the possibility of change. Given the turbulent times we live in (or at the very least the way in which we perceive them as turbulent), it could be argued that we need art now more than ever. Art speaks, encouraging us to speak to each other and speak out. If you’ve been to Venice already this summer for the Art Biennale, you may have entered into a conversation with a complete stranger. And without words. As part of the main exhibition – this year curated by Christine Macel and whose theme is “Viva Arte Viva”, a clarion call to the humanity of art and the art of humanity – German artist Franz Erhard Walther has, Carl-Andre-like, placed flat, elongated steel forms on… continue

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