Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Reinvented Architecture: The New City Studio (Part II) | Profiles | Architonic

<b>Ultramoderne</b> Aaron Forrest’s and Yasmin Vobis’s studio, Ultramoderne, shows its design capabilities through its explorations of architectural representation and work on multiple scales. Transitioning from pavilions and installations to urban-scale planning, Ultramoderne deploys traditional modes of architectural representation in design and dissemination, eschewing the culture of highly mediated renderings in favor of photographic stills and stop motion animation. The studio’s finalist entry for MoMA PS1 Warm Up, Recess, explores the ideas of boundary and tectonic play through the typology of a schoolyard and its enclosing boundary. The clear form of the proposed circle inscribes and demarcates the recreational space for play, and the competition video documents the field work of full-scale mock-ups and the liveliness of detailed scale models. Without utilizing a single wall, Ultramoderne’s Table’s Clear installation for the Architectural League’s 2016 Beaux Arts Ball created di… continue

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