Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Dutch Architecture | News | Architonic

As the new Mecca for Europe´s architects, the Netherlands has become a must-see playground for architecture addicts. Ever since the 1990s when the landscape design firm West 8 developed Borneo Sporenburg, the third extension of Amsterdam’s Eastern Docklands project, Dutch architecture and urban planning strategies have become a world-recognised reference. Almost 60 architects contributed to this urban project in the capital city of the Netherlands. Borneo Sporenburg is characterised by three bridges, which connect the different neighbourhoods on the peninsulas. West 8 reinvented the patio house to maximise outdoor space. Contemporary Dutch architecture maintains strong roots in the vanguard arts and architecture movement from the 1920s. The avant-garde designs of De Stijl and Theo van Doesburg, together with the work of Piet Mondrian, inspired new ways of connecting indoor and outdoor spaces and creating volumes and geometries that blend into the urban fabric. <b>Internalised architect… continue

from New stories by Architonic http://ift.tt/2pAldCx

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