Thursday, July 23, 2015

A New State Law Would Allow Citizens to Save Dogs in Hot Cars

In the state of New York it is illegal to leave pets in hot or cold vehicles.  However, the only people that can save the animals in peril without facing any legal consequences are the cops and humane society officers.  Unfortunately, the amount of waiting could take a few minutes and every second count especially if the temperature is very hot or cold because the temperature inside of a locked car can go up rapidly. Recently, New York Assemblyman John Ceretto initiated a bill that would allow citizens to save dogs in hot cars.

The new bill once approved will amend the current one and will enable passerby to rescue dogs or cats from freezing or baking to death in freezing or hot cars without facing consequences.  It means that ordinary citizens can smash a car’s window to save a dog’s life instead of waiting for the police or Human Society officers to arrive and do it.  But of course, people can’t go around and break car windows everytime they see a pooch left alone inside a car.  There are guidelines that citizens need to follow before they can put on their superhero pants; if the temperature is life-threatening, and the concerned citizen needs to seek the owner or a police officer first before he can proceed to save the dog.

Aside from being protected from an arrest, the rescuer is also free from paying any damages incurred during the rescue.  Emergency vet care will be given immediately to any animals that will be rescued from a freezing or scorching car.  Then it will go to a chosen shelter.  The rescuer is also required to leave a note on the car with their name and information as to where the pet is going to be taken.

Continue Reading:

Related Article: 40 Cool Dogs Driving Cars

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