Friday, June 29, 2018

Simple Care Tips for the Bathroom Sink

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At the end of a long day, all we want to do is relax in our comfort zone. However, a home with a dingy bathroom isn’t exactly what we have in mind when we think of comfort, right? Have a pristine, hotel-like bathroom by practicing these tips:

Photo by Dan Watson on Unsplash

Keep your sink from getting scratched
Avoid abrasive cleaners, which can scratch your sink. Those scratches become magnets for grease, soap scum and dirt. Scrubbing the sink with a solution of 1 tablespoon ammonia to 1 gallon of water will dissolve them and bring back your sink’s shine. A solution of 1 teaspoon of trisodium phosphate to a gallon of water effectively removes grease and soap scum build up as well. Also known as TSP, trisodium phosphate, a degreasing agent, can be found at most hardware stores in white powder form. Source: HomeGuides.SFGate

Maintain a clean sink
Regularly wash your sink with soap and water. You can prevent dirt and stains from building up in the first place by gently washing your sink after every use. Use a little dish soap and a soft, non-abrasive sponge, and rinse thoroughly with clean water.  Source: WikiHow

Remove stains right away
De-stain surfaces with lemon juice. We’ve got a sure remedy for stained sinks: Erase those spots with a paste made of one-half cup of powdered borax and the juice of one-half lemon. Dab a sponge in the mixture, rub, and rinse with running water—it’ll work like a charm whether your sink is made of porcelain enamel, stainless steel, or any other material.

Get rid of mineral deposits
Use vinegar on your lime. The white spots that you have so much trouble cleaning off the faucets are lime deposits from mineral-rich hard water. They’re very easy to remove with a secret ingredient that’s already in your pantry: vinegar. Soak a paper towel in vinegar, and wrap the towel around the spotted area. Wait 10 minutes and then buff with a dry paper towel. This works well on all fixtures except brass or colored fixtures; using vinegar on these surfaces may discolor them. Source: RD

Our selection of trendy ceramic sinks will surely fit your budget and needs. Take a look and call us if you need any assistance.


Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta

The post Simple Care Tips for the Bathroom Sink appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Cleaning Tips for Stubborn Toilet Stains

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Are you finding it difficult to remove ring stains in your toilet? With the following ingredients, you’ll have plenty of effective solutions to choose from.

Image Source: Flickr

Get rid of stubborn toilet bowl stains with a 12-ounce can of Coca-Cola. Pour the full can around the rim of your toilet so it coats the toilet bowl and let the soda sit for an hour. The acid in the Coca-Cola will break down the stains. After an hour, scrub the bowl with a toilet brush and flush. Source: BrightNest

Most people reach for bleach to obliterate toilet germs and stains. However, Green living expert Mark Lallanilla says that plain old white vinegar is not only an effective cleaner, but also safer than chlorine bleach. To eliminate hard water stains, soak toilet paper in vinegar and place directly on top of the stain. Let the vinegar-soaked paper sit overnight. The next morning, flush to rinse and the stains should be gone.

Lallanilla says that full-strength vinegar also works great on grout and caulk. Use a spray bottle to saturate the area and let it soak in for at least an hour before rinsing. Source: TheSpruce

Water softener
Often times stubborn toilet bowl rings are directly the result of hard water deposits. While you can always take some time to clean the ring after it appears, it is usually better to stop the problem from ever forming in the first place. If you can afford to do it, install a water softener in your home and have it maintained properly. This should reduce a large number of water related problems not just in the bathroom, but throughout the rest of the house as well. Source: Cleaning.Tips

Borax powder
Borax powder is a very powerful cleaning agent that’s not found in a supermarket, but in a hardware store. Shut the water supply to the toilet tank and empty the bowl by flushing it once. Sprinkle the powder directly on the stains and rub them with a toilet brush. After scrubbing, let the powder sit for thirty minutes. Then reconnect the water supply to the tank and flush the toilet. Source: Home.HowStuffWork

Why not replace your toilet with top-of-the-line quality and design that still fits your budget? Choose from the ones we have on our website or call us for assistance!


Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta

The post Cleaning Tips for Stubborn Toilet Stains appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Bathroom Ideas for the Modern Family

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The bathroom may be the smallest room in your house, but it does not mean you can’t have a stylish and classy space. You can have it designed with new showers and bathtubs as well as tiles. Contact professionals and get ideas on various choices. Give your bathroom a modern look following below ideas:

How to Design Bathroom


There is so much fun in designing the bathroom. If you are looking for a bathtub and shower, visit and choose what suits your budget. A bathtub is a good idea to give your bathroom a modern look. It adds luxury to the household and it can be a place to keep warm during the cold seasons.


You will need mirrors to make sure you clean your whole body properly before stepping out of your bathroom. Consider framing the mirror and sticking it on the bathroom walls. Mastic adhesive can be used to install a tile frame around it. You can also go for creative wooden frames or molding or have one customized for you. Add sconces to both sides of the mirror to brighten the space and remove shadows when looking into the mirror.


There are different tile designs that will give your bathroom a beautiful look. Go for wall tiles that are long lasting, easy to clean and mold resistance. Give your bathroom floor a rough, colorful texture to avoid falls on slippery tiles. Do not overlook the aspect of safety, especially in homes with small children and older individuals. Safety and function should go together.


You will need space for your bathroom. Your modern family bathroom will want to have ample storage. Install shelving units and fixtures that are well suited to bathroom. No matter the size of the bathroom, you can make it stylish by choosing accessories and features that compliment your colors. Having storage is an important component of keeping your modern family bathroom neat and well organized. You can make a trendy modern family bathroom design in any room no matter what the size or shape.


What’s the best paint to use? Semi-gloss paint is a great choice because you can easily wipe down markings and stains e.g. from dirty/oily hands. This is important, especially if you have children, or someone working a ‘dirty’ job. If you use flat paint, the frequent wiping will cause the paint to chip, requiring a repaint soon after. In addition, semi-gloss paint has reflective qualities, and can help to boost your lighting, making the room warmer. Choose paints with that give your bathroom a smooth touch.


You can keep your bathroom looking good and modern by giving it a touch of class when remodeling it. It will save you some money if you plan on what to purchase for your bathroom as well. Make a budget and stick to it. Work on the cost of materials and labor and give your bathroom that wow look. It is very possible to give your bathroom a modern and trendy appearance without breaking the bank. Plan well and enjoy your baths.


Contributed by:  Foremost experts in Bathroom design and Bathroom fixtures.

The post Bathroom Ideas for the Modern Family appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Sneaky Tips To Make Your Bathroom Appear Great

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The home is the place where the real peace of the world lies. People dream to have a beautiful space. The accommodation is the identical address of all those mesmerizing satisfactions. Every corner of the abode carries the special importance. Likewise, the kitchen, the bedroom, the balcony, the bathroom is also an integral part of the home. The bathroom directly relates the grounds of the impression it leaves. Bathrooms are no more the mere functional units as before. Nowadays every person pays the same attention to the bathroom as well while building their dwellings. The designing of the bathroom with the hearty efforts is emerging in the form of trending recognition. Well, the ways to keep in mind for the purpose of making the bathroom indeed incredible are as follows.


Making the selection of perfect toilet seats

The toilet is the most basic entity of the when it comes about the designing of beautiful bathrooms. There are several toilet seats available in the market, which redefine the ease and comfort perfectly. The interesting look of these toilet seats adds to the real feel of your bathroom. Kohler k-1.2 8 GPF comes in the category of best toilet seats. For more ravishing options regarding the selection of toilet seats, one can visit Making the selection of perfect toilet sets is must to create a delightful bathroom.


Dazzling Lights



The placement of bright lights works as the soul of the bathroom because lighting weaves the texture of the bathroom. Apart from the point of view of the appearance of the bathroom the light is essential for another purpose also such as shaving or applying the makeup. So, the proper assimilation of lighting is a big factor for serving the ideal end to the bathroom. This is the reason behind mentioning the dazzling lights as an effective tip for providing the praiseworthy look to the bathroom.


The appealing plumbing system

The plumbing system compiles to the basic functioning of the bathroom. It grabs the eyes of the enterer firstly. The fixation of the splendid plumbing accessories generates the adorable outlook of the bathroom. So, the decision for choosing the plumbing components must be taken wisely. For maintaining the striking likeness of the bathroom, it is just to put a brief check on favorable plumbing segment. So, the appealing plumbing system incorporates the major significance for the bathroom.


Smart spacing

Always keep in mind that a bathroom looks spacious only when it is tested with the tactics of smart spacing. This falls in the brook of valuable tips for constructing the irresistible bathrooms. This leads to using the corners of the bathrooms with the installation of storage brackets. The essence of following such tip is that it produces the sense of extra inner space. This makes to look bathroom even bigger. Smart spacing is the composite technique of fabricating the fabulous fascination of the bathroom.

The above mentioned are some salient suggestions for making the look of a bathroom by far more interesting. Well, the bathroom is worth of these cherishing outlines to soothe the eyes of the beholder.


Contributed by: Experts in Bathroom Design and bathroom fixtures

The post Sneaky Tips To Make Your Bathroom Appear Great appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada

How Do Waterless Toilets Work?

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The concept of waterless toilets might sound outdated, right? Well, if you picture that traditional outdoor structure, then it might. But in reality, a waterless toilet is actually a modern household appliance that greatly helps save on water. In some parts of the globe, developing countries, for instance, water comes off as a luxury that cannot afford to be flushed down the drain. It should be used in moderation instead, a practice which is greatly aided by the use of waterless toilets.


As an alternative to the common flush toilet, a waterless toilet can equally provide sanitation and better still, do so on minimal infrastructure. The greatest benefit, of course, being the water conservation part. Normally, they are not connected to the sewage system, and the waste is not sent to a treatment plant. Instead, as the toilet owner, you will have to take care of it on your own, by composting. With the current designs, these toilets provide a hygienic way of recycling human waste. They are several types of these toilets to choose from, and a comprehensive list can be found on

Why Waterless Toilets?

Apart from the obvious reason of saving on water, these toilets also come with other numerous benefits. They are incredibly flexible as they can be conveniently put up whenever there is a need. They are easy to install and repair in case of damages. You can click this link to find out more about the best repair kits for your toilet.


Here is a list of key benefits of waterless toilets:

Water Conservation

These toilets, unlike flush toilets, do not require water in the disposal of human waste. They are ideal for those in areas faced with frequent water shortages. Additionally, they help to cut down on water costs, which could otherwise be high with the use of flush toilets.

Reduced Odor

Most waterless toilets feature a smart ventilation system design that enables a reduction in odor. As a result, there is no need for chemicals, in the name of detergents to help keep the bad smell away.


waterless-toiletsWastes from these toilets can be safely recycled. Composting toilets convert human waste into compost that can be used in the garden. It eliminates the need for waste treatment which usually involves harmful chemicals that are eventually released into water bodies.

How Waterless Toilets Operate

Waterless toilets work in a smart way to hygienically convert human waste into compost. As the waste collects into the separate collection chamber, usually located below the toilet pedestal, air is fanned through to speed up composting. The air also helps fan way bad odor. Any liquid accompanying the waste is separated into a small trench where it is eventually evaporated by the fanning action.


These toilets can be purchased together with a greywater treatment system to conveniently integrate an on-site wastewater management system. They are quite a number of manufactured waterless toilets, composting toilets in particular, with different features as explained below:

Types of Composting Toilets

Batch Composting Toilets

Just as the name suggests, this system facilitates waste composting in batches. They come with several composting chambers, at least two, that are used alternately. As soon as one is filled, it is replaced with the second one. The filled one is left to compost to maturity before the compost is used in the garden. When fully emptied, it can then be used to replace the second one when full, and the process goes on and on.

Continuous Composting Toilets

This system features one large composting chamber that allows for a continuous composting process. As the waste is converted into compost, the older material settles at the bottom and is easily accessed and removed through the access hatch.

Hybrid Composting Toilets

This composting system combines the processes of both the batch and continuous composting toilets. The collecting chamber, when full, feeds the finishing tray at the base, where composting takes place. The mature compost is removed and used in the garden as the new batch is again fed into the finishing tray by the rotating handle.


Waterless toilets are an ideal alternative to flush toilets, especially for those in areas frequently affected by water shortages. They greatly help reduce water consumption and still provide sanitation by hygienically managing human waste. Composting toilets convert human waste into compost that can be used in the garden. They eliminate the need for waste treatment which usually comes with negative environmental implications.


Contributed by:  foremost experts in bathroom fixtures and bathroom design.

The post How Do Waterless Toilets Work? appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Tips on Creating an Eco-Friendly Bathroom

Content originally published and Shared from

Every single effort counts when it comes to taking care of the environment. Start practicing environmentally-safe habits right at home by choosing to do the following tips:

Photo by Icons8 team on Unsplash

Buy a low-flow toilet
Toilets use approximately 27% of the water consumed in your home — more than any other appliances or plumbing — including the washing machine, dishwasher and shower. Replacing your old toilet with a low-flow model is a great place to start when greening your bathroom. Newer homes will boast more efficient low-flow toilets installed by their contractor, but those found in older homes can use up to a whopping 7 gallons per flush. While low-flow toilets used to get a bad rap for boasting a less than desirable flush, sometimes requiring users to hit the handle twice, modern low-flow toilets provide ample flushing power while still using just a fraction of the water. Source: Inhabitat

Install aerators
One of the easiest, most cost-effective water conservation measures you can make is the addition of aerators to faucets. These devices, retailing for less than $5, screw onto the faucet head and add air to lower water flow from 2 to 4 gpm down to 1 gpm, but still provide a feeling of high water pressure. Source: AngiesList

Use organic towels
Next time you have to replace your bath towels, choose organic cotton. Conventional cotton is one of the most water-intensive and polluting crops on the planet. Don’t go out and replace your perfectly good old towels with organic ones, though. The lowest-impact choice you can make is to buy nothing. But when your old towels are starting to fall apart, go organic. Source: Care2

Switch to a tankless water heater
Replacing a tanked water heater with a tankless model will reduce the amount of energy consumed and the cost to heat water. A tankless water heater will heat only what is needed, when it’s needed. Plus, it doesn’t require a pilot light, so it emits less carbon dioxide and improves indoor air quality. Source: HGTV

A dual flush toilet can help you minimize your water consumption. Choose from the latest models as you browse through our website or call us for assistance.


Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta

The post Tips on Creating an Eco-Friendly Bathroom appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

5 Ways on How to Achieve a Well-Maintained Bathroom

Content originally published and Shared from


The bathroom is mostly the bane of most proud homeowners’ life. It is probably the place that you spend most time cleaning since it is the place where there is a constant battle against grime, bacteria, mold, and dirt. As a result, it is essential to maintain a clean and fresh bathroom.


With that, here are a few tips on how you can achieve this:

1. Adequate storage.

Having your bathroom in order and throwing out any unnecessary items can go a long way when cleaning your bathroom and creating adequate space. Most probably, you have a lot of products in your bathroom that are not necessary and rarely use them.


These items and products such as used empty shampoo containers, conditioners containers and other bottles take up space in your bathroom, creating a feeling of crowdedness in your bathroom. Crowded areas are more difficult to clean and maintain. Get rid of these unused items and leave only useful products. If you do not have a drawer or cupboard, you can put them in one container to make it more organized.

2. Ventilation is crucial.

When taking showers and baths a lot of steam is produced. You should know that proper ventilation is vital to get rid of this steam. The steam tends to settle on the bathroom walls which can cause molds to grow. If your bathroom does not have a window, then you can install an extractor fan to get rid of the steam. Even though this seems like a tedious job, it is essential. Having a damp bathroom will always be unhygienic, unpleasant and dirty.

3. Get rid of the curtains wet materials.

Shower curtains are subjected to a lot of moisture regularly, and they are rarely adequately dried. Dump curtains create a conducive environment for bacteria to breed which is not good for you if you want a clean and hygienic bathroom. To avoid this, you should swap the curtains with simple, and modern shower screen which are easy to wipe clean after using your bathroom. Shower screens are easy to maintain. You do not have to swap them each time to make your bathroom look more spacious.


You can also exchange your curtains with easy-to-clean blinds which will give your bathroom a fresher look and also molds are much less likely to grow in them. Also, it is important to dry all other wet materials like towels, and bathmat after every use. If molds grow in your bathroom, you can look for solutions from mold removal experts Ferro Canada.

4. Avoid oil stains or rings.

Getting rings and stains out is not a fun thing to do, and therefore, you should avoid their formation as much as possible. Avoid the formation of oil stains and rings by rinsing your bathtub using warm water. If the stains are already formed, clean and scrub the tub using abrasive cleaners. You should clean as often as possible in order to maintain a spotless bathroom.

5. Clean grout.

There are little crevices between the tiles in your bathrooms which can hold drops of water which can easily lead to the growth of mold and mildew. You can use a mixture of water and bleach to scrub the tile to clean bacteria out and prevent the development of molds. Also, do not forget to remove the bleach with warm water and a pH neutral cleaner to protect your skin and eyes from burning while you use the shower next time.


It is essential to maintain your bathroom on a regular basis since it is the one place that can easily be affected by bacterias. The bathroom should be a comfort zone for you everytime you use it. The above few tips will help you maintain a clean and hygienic bathroom.

Contributed by: Foremost experts in bathroom design and function.

The post 5 Ways on How to Achieve a Well-Maintained Bathroom appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

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