Friday, April 27, 2018

Optimal Places to Place a Bathroom

Content originally published and Shared from

The battle for the bathroom is a common occurrence across homes throughout the world. Even people primarily living alone may run into this issue when hosting guests. When the issue about adding another bathroom to the house comes up, space and cost are usually the biggest concerns; but to the surprise of many, space isn’t as big of an issue as originally perceived.


A 3 by 5-foot area is usually all that is required to fit a toilet and sink. If you have a couple more feet to spare, a 5 by 5 can accommodate a small walk-in shower as well. Some common advantages of an additional bathroom can be convenience, adding value to your home, and the additional privacy of not having guests in your private bath.

Let’s look at where you can add a bathroom in the home – and where they are needed most.

Close to Living and Recreational Spaces

In a lot of homes, the placement of the bathroom is usually located closer to the bedrooms or in a central location between both living and sleeping spaces. The idea of having a bathroom close to the den or living room can be very attractive. And for the ultimate man cave, a toilet close by is an absolute necessity. It’s not uncommon to find a coat closet, staircase or hallway in or adjacent to a living space, as they can be the perfect spaces to install a half bath.

When hosting guests, it can be cumbersome to explain directions to the bathroom multiple times, especially if your home is larger or of unique design. Wouldn’t it be easier to just leave the door to your new bathroom open when unoccupied, so everyone can plainly see and take note when the urge to go arises?

Between Two Bedrooms

A convenient and efficient additional bathroom can be used to link two bedrooms together. This arrangement is commonly called a Jack and Jill style bathroom. This can be great for homes with children. Some well-designed Jack and Jill setups allow the use of private areas like the shower and toilet separate from the sink, counter and vanity area.

This style can be an efficient use of your space. Some standard bathrooms can even be converted in some home layouts. You can also save cash by incorporating this design compared to two separate bathrooms: why build and plumb another bathroom when you can frame in a door for less?

Split Your Pre-Existing Bathroom

This may seem like strange advice, but spend some time thinking about the size of your bathroom. Many homeowners possess bathrooms that can be much larger than necessary. Most of the plumbing has already been ran, allowing you to tap into water and drain pipes without making long and costly runs of pipe; this can be one of the major advantages of splitting your already existing bathroom. Though it sounds silly at first, making use of an over-sized bathroom by splitting it can give you the extra bathroom you need at a lower cost.

An additional bathroom is probably one of the most wished-for additions in smaller and older homes. Even in small homes, where it may seem unlikely to have the space, room can be found to make this addition. These optimal places for a new bathroom can potentially save time, frustration and money, depending on your exact configuration.


Contributed by: experts in bathroom design and bathroom fixtures.

The post Optimal Places to Place a Bathroom appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

3 Ways to Improve Blood Circulation

Content originally published and Shared from

Poor blood circulation can cause a number of other problems that you’ll surely hate dealing with. Varicose veins, numbness, exhaustion, and dizziness are only some of the common symptoms you’ll experience, unless you do something to improve your blood circulation. Try any of the following:

Photo by on Unsplash

Soak in a whirlpool bathtub
The combination of warm water and massage jets in a whirlpool promote better blood circulation. They help your blood vessels dilate, or open up, allowing more oxygen and nutrients to flow to major organs. This is particularly beneficial to those who have arthritis. Improved circulation can encourage better movement and less pain and stiffness in your joints. Source: LiveStrong

Don’t forget your roots
Ginger, onions, and garlic are three items that you’ll definitely want to add to your grocery list – not only they stimulate and improve the health of the circulatory system – but also because they’re just good for you.  Fresh ginger root is anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, improves digestion, and can soothe all forms of nausea.  Garlic and onions contain organosulfur compounds which help the body to fight off infection, eliminate toxins from the liver and blood, and can even keep biting insects away. Source: NaturalLivingIdeas

Stay active
Anything that aids in general fitness should boost your circulation. When you work out, try both:

  • Cardiovascular training. Swimming, biking, running, playing sports, etc. Aerobic activity will improve heart and blood vessel function.
  • Strength training. Strength training (lifting weights) will help you build muscle, which in turn increases the effectiveness of cardiovascular and lymph circulation.
  • Every hour, get up and try 3 to 5 minutes’ worth of stretching or small exercise. This is especially handy if you’re at a desk all day and barely get a chance to walk around. Try doing little arm circles, touching your hands to your toes, kicking out your feet, or performing small, slowjumping jacks (enough to get your heart rate up). Source: WikiHow

Get yourself a whirlpool bath tub that isn’t only relaxing, but also very good for your health! Find out more about the best options in the market when you call us today.


Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta

The post 3 Ways to Improve Blood Circulation appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Tips On How To Have A Comfortable Bathroom

Content originally published and Shared from


The bathroom is undoubtedly the most peaceful place in everyone’s home. Perhaps, the greatest ideas and biggest decisions are made in the bathroom. And that is why having a comfortable bathroom is as important as a comfortable pillow.

But then what do you mean by a comfortable bathroom?

We all love our bathrooms and hence it is a bit hard to think about a renovation. But by making your bathroom better you are giving a nod to your own luxury. A comfortable bathroom means you don’t need to keep looking where your towel is when your eyes are covered with shampoo, or feel the like the water has suddenly become colder.

Tips for a comfortable bathroom

By following these easy tips and tricks you can make your bathroom much more desirable.

Buy a rug for the entrance

When you enter the bathroom, make sure the first thing you see is a fine quality rug. It should be smooth for your toe and absorbent as well.

Install corner sinks

Sink is necessary for a comfortable bathroom, and preferably in the corner position. That provides room in the bathroom and disable any kind of traffic!

Use wicker baskets

Wicker baskets are good alternatives to shelves. It also lets you keep more things and they are easily attachable to walls.

Install Downlights

Downlights  or skylights as many people call them are extremely popular nowadays and it makes your bathroom comfortable and stylish. It is easily installable in the bathroom ceiling and the LED downlights can be turned on and off automatically with the movement of bathroom doors. So whenever you open the door the downlights turns on automatically.

Glass jars for small things

bathroom-mason-jars-mason-jar-soap-dispenserIt’s good to keep your small things like toothpicks, toothpaste, and toothbrushes in a glass jar. If you do not have a specific space to keep your small things in the bathroom you might need to keep finding it in time.

Use of decorative ladders

decorative-ladder-for-bathroomYou don’t need to dig holes in the wall to create rail to put your towel. Use a small decorative ladder for a beautiful finish instead.







Use mirror in front of your sink as well as in front of the shower

Mirrors can be really helpful to wash you better. When you can have a clear look at your body in the mirror it will make bathing easier.

Use Odonil  

Air freshener smells beautiful and it is a nice way to make your bathroom feel like heaven. Remember heaven smells nice!

Have a window  

Always have a window in your bathroom in the top of your head height. It should be small and only openable from inside. The purpose of the window is to enter sunlight during the daytime to dry out the place.

Skip shower door

If your bathroom has a smaller place, The bathroom skip the glass door of the shower. Even if your bathroom can afford that space it is not really necessary when you already have a door to lock yourself invisible.

These are few of the best tips to make your bathroom comfortable. Even if you don’t believe, your bathroom develops your lifestyle. So make sure to have a comfortable one (be it bathroom or lifestyle).


Contributed by: Perfectbath

Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta

The post Tips On How To Have A Comfortable Bathroom appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Things You Shouldn’t Keep in the Bathroom

Content originally published and Shared from

We usually do a lot of our grooming in the bathroom, which is why it’s where we store most of the things we need for getting ready in the morning. But did you know that there are things best kept away from the bathroom? Here are some of them:

Photo by byHuyen on Unsplash

Collective ewwwwws all around. You knew your toothbrush was going to be on this list! All of us have been (or are) guilty of storing our toothbrushes by the bathroom…maybe even near the toilet (gross).

When it comes to storing what you put in your mouth so close to the toilet (again, gross), scientists from Louisiana’s Quinnipiac University warn you may be brushing with more than toothpaste. Not only was fecal matter detected on 60-percent of toothbrushes stored in shared bathrooms, the toothbrushes were also contaminated with the fecal matter, bacteria, and potential viruses and parasites from cohabitants of the same shared space. Source: ActiveBeat

Extra towels
You should only bring a towel in the bathroom when you’re headed for a bath or shower, and then leave it to dry somewhere else.


Because towels absorb the humidity in the room and can begin to smell before you’ve even used it, especially if you store them in a cupboard in the bathroom.

The solution? Just bring one in, dry yourself, then hang it to dry somewhere else. And keep your towels in a linen closet away from the bathroom. Source: TheSpruce

We know, we know: It’s called a “medicine” cabinet. But really, your prescription should stay far away from moisture and at room temperature (between 68 and 77 degrees). The drugs could lose their effectiveness if not stored in a cool and dry place. Source: GoodHousekeeping

Razor blades
Store any extra razor blades or shaving utensils out of water’s way. Lingering moisture and steam from showers and baths can dull blades and promote rust, rendering them ineffective and possibly harmful. Source: BHG


Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta

The post Things You Shouldn’t Keep in the Bathroom appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada

Monday, April 9, 2018

Ways to clear your mind and destress when studying

Content originally published and Shared from

Why Taking a Bath Is the Best Way to Recharge While Writing an Essay?

Writing an essay is an activity that may require some energy recharge. The best way to relax and catch an inspiration is by taking a bath.

Stuck on an Essay? Take a Bath to Recharge!

No matter the situation, no matter the time and place, you still would prefer taking a bath rather than doing anything on the planet. Seriously, think about it. What can be better than a feeling of soft bubbles on your skin, warm water, and scented candles all over the place? Let`s not be sexist here, alright? Boys do take baths with all of those attributes, they just never tell. All because a bath is the best anti-stress treatment that has ever been created. By the way, it was created by Ancient Romans and the people who were in charge of origination of all modern culture couldn`t be wrong.

Baths aren`t just about personal hygiene, it`s about getting you back on track in that mental race of thoughts, ideas, and creative activities. Let`s say, you`re writing an essay (which can be considered to be an easy task only in a parallel universe). If the deadline is creeping on you like the maniac in the best traditional movie by Alfred Hitchcock, then, naturally, you`ll feel all stressed out. It`s like a vicious circle that will become a significant obstacle on your way to a good result of the productive work.

The less time is left, the more anxious you feel, the less you can concentrate on the task. And this disturbing and familiar scheme can be applied to pretty much any daily activity. There are two ways out which we can propose you in this particular situation. When you feel like the task is too overwhelming, the only thing you should do is to look for “write my essay UK” on the Internet and the source of your stress will disappear into thin air because you`ll get a high-quality help from professional writers. The other way is to try to balance your thoughts and time, achieve an inner peace, and establish a trusting relationship with your creative self. You can do that by taking a bath. And we`ve got the proof for you why it`s super beneficial.

Breathe in, Breathe Out

What does your brain need to turn the whole creative capacity on? Chocolate? Maybe. Special music for work? It depends. Oxygen? That`s right! The simplest answer of all and it`s your brain`s best friend. It literally can`t live without it. Well, no more than seven minutes to be specific. When your blood vessels are saturated with oxygen, your thinking capacity becomes much better at performing its functions. What does it have to do with the bath?

When you breathe in the steam of hot water, you start breathing faster, the oxygen intake rises, and it results in activating the brain work. You feel like the process of breathing happens in the most natural way, it makes your body feel all relaxed and calm. Isn`t that the best condition for writing your essay? A quick friendly reminder: don`t take the laptop to the bathroom, it won`t end well. In case of the accident, the even bigger stress is guaranteed.

We Float, We Relax

If you ever decide to break the worldwide stereotype that people can`t fly and start practicing what it feels like, just visit the Dead Sea. It`s so salty that you can just lie in there floating with no need to make any movement to stay on the surface. This is a very relaxing activity which is proved to be incredibly beneficial for your nervous system and overall mental health. Taking into consideration that you`re not likely to book a flight to Jordan or Israel in order to write an essay or a report, you should bring the Dead Sea into your apartment.

The feeling of floating is incredibly relaxing and if you`ve been feeling the physical and psychological tension, anxiety or overwhelming pressure, a salty bathroom will be the best option to get you back in the saddle so you can continue with the creative work in the most productive way.

Practically an Official Medicine

Baths are widely used as a treating method to help patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. This is a condition of mind and body when no matter how much you take your time to relax, sleep, and recharge your energy, nothing helps. It`s not a rare disease among the people who populate huge cities. Nowadays, it has a lot to do with information overload, too much time spent on social media, and an enormous amount of human interaction. Baths are often prescribed by doctors as the way to ease the symptoms of this condition. Also, it can be a good way to prevent it and get a much-needed vitality restoring.

A Bathroom Is a Happy Place


When you`re taking a bath, your body feels so thankful and joyful that it`s being flooded with serotonin which is a hormone of happiness. You feel its rush while eating chocolate or having sex. Bath isn`t quite the same as both of those things, but it can become some sort of an alternative. What is more, this procedure helps to keep the level of most hormones balanced. This is crucial for your health and overall well-being.

Combine It with Meditation

If you want to turn your time of taking a bath into the most relaxing and refreshing experience, you can add meditation to the process. Light up aroma candles to calm down your nerves, turn on the lounge music, and expect the creativity to visit you very soon. It`s recommended to meditate in a bathroom for around 15 minutes which will be enough to get to the state of calmness and peacefulness.

While you`re still with us, let me remind you that taking a bath too often may be, of course, beneficial for your mental and physical health, but it won`t be for nature. You won`t use so much water taking a shower. So, remember that moderation is the key here.


Contributed by: Aaron Gruenke bathroom product and design expert.

The post Ways to clear your mind and destress when studying appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada