Monday, December 28, 2015

How To Diffuse ANY Disagreement In ANY Negotiation




Negotiation is the art of letting other people have your way


I’ve been investing a lot of my time into sales training books and programs these days.  My favorite sales coach is Grant Cardone, aka Uncle G.  I’ve listened to all of his books via and I love the content on there.  

One of the key things I learned from him is to always agree with the other party in negotiations.  

You’re probably thinking, 


Then how do you win in the negotiation if you agree with the other party?


Here’s the key.  Your agreement is just you acknowledging the other party’s statement or position.  For example:  if a buyer says “that dress is too expensive”, you say “I agree” which means you agree that the buyer thinks the dress is too expensive but the buyer never asked for your opinion.  You might think it’s cheap, but you agreeing to the buyer’s statement helps the buyer feel that you are acknowledging their opinion.  


Or you may also think the dress is expensive and agree that you think it’s expensive as well.  Consumers buy expensive things all the time.  Companies wouldn’t price their products that way if no one was gonna buy them.  

The post How To Diffuse ANY Disagreement In ANY Negotiation appeared first on Vancouver's #1 Family Real Estate Homes, Houses, And Condos For Sale | Gary Wong Realty.

from Vancouver's #1 Family Real Estate Homes, Houses, And Condos For Sale | Gary Wong Realty

Thursday, December 24, 2015

What is an Eco Friendly Toilet

Many people have questions about Eco Friendly Toilets or low flow toilets and how they work and if they are any good. In our youtube interview with Aaron Gruenke from we debuff the misconseptions surrounding dual flush toilets and how they work and what features to look for in a quality Eco Friendly dual flush toilet.


Here is an excerpt transcript of the interview below:


Rob Green: Hey, there! Rob here and I am here with Aaron from PerfectBath. I wanted to ask a few questions around Eco-friendly toilets and answer some of the common questions and frequently asked questions that people have when they are stopping and considering an Eco-friendly toilet. Thank you so much for joining me here in Aaron and how is your day so far?


Aaron from Oh, it is great. I am always happy to help you out there Rob  answer your questions and everybody else questions.


Rob Green: Awesome. Awesome. Can we start off with… I guess what is an Eco-friendly toilet. What makes a toilet Eco-friendly?


Aaron from Well, that is something that is kind of a new buzzword. A buzzword that people are using. That term is “Eco-friendly”. What it really amounts to is the toilets that use a lot less water. There are more water efficient. They are more friendly to the environment and that is what Eco-friendly toilet is. The new toilets they use 3-5 L of water versus the old ones that use half a lake. You know, it is 11 to 15 L per flush. So, these are using just a small portion but they still perform just as well or better than the old toilets.


Rob Green: Well, that is awesome. Along the idea of Eco-friendly toilets. I’ve heard the term WaterSence. Is it a certification or something? I’ve had questions around what water since really is.


Aaron from Yes, so the water since certification. It started in California and it is a rating of high quality toilets that perform well on less water. So, when you have that rating of the water since you will qualify for a rebate from your municipality. There is a benefit to making sure that you using a Water-Sense rated toilet because you do get that rebate for changing out a toilet in your home.


Rob Green: Very cool. Very cool. When we are talking about Eco-friendly. A lot of times you hear people talk about a dual flush versus a single flush toilet. When it comes to that. It is intuitive what that means but do they work how they say they do? I’ve heard horror stories about dual flush versus single flush toilets.


Aaron from Yes, the older dual flush toilets when they first started coming in. They did not perform quite as what they were expected to do.  A lot of people they used to flush them two and three times in order to get all of the waste out. The new dual flush toilets, the perform much better. The Eago toilets which we are very proud that we sell. They perform exceptionally well. They use 3 litres on a single flush button. So for the liquid waste you use a single flush option. For solid waste you use a dual flush option which uses 5 1/2 litres.  So you’re able to fraction it down to use less water than what a regular single flush toilet which would be about 5 1/2 L for every flush. That is even with new more efficient toilets.


Rob Green: Okay, very cool. With the newer one like a quality dual flush toilet does work as advertised if you will say. It is the older ones. I guess, is a less quality product. Right? That has problems.


Aaron from Absolutely.


Rob Green: Okay. Very good. Other than dual flush I’m looking for WaterSense to be able to get rebates and all of that. What other features should people be considering whey they looking for a quality toilet?


Aaron from Do you know that is something that a lot of people never thought of before. It is what are things to look for in a toilet? They always thought that, “a toilet is a toilet”. Well, when you look at some of the new more innovative toilets they have one piece designs. They do not have a separate tank and they do not have the big cutouts on the side where the mounting bolts are and it’s difficult to clean. The newer toilets they are fully skirted. They are easy to clean. They are all one piece. Most of the good quality toilets they are at a comfort height which means that when you sit down you not feel like you’re sitting half on the floor. There are generally about 17 1/2 inches versus a regular standard toilet. A regular standard toilet is about 14 – 15 inches. So, you are sitting a little higher and a little more comfortable.


Some of the other features that you can look for is slow-close seats.  If someone gets up in the middle of the night. They’re not going to be clunking the toilet seat down. Women are always complaining that men forget to put the toilet seat down. Well, with the newer toilets they have the slow-close seats. They will automatically close for you. The toilet never stand up.


Rob Green: That is awesome. I did not know that they make that with toilets now. Where it will automatically put the seat down. That is awesome. I have another question that is a little bit off-topic from the “Eco-friendly” but it is something that comes up a lot. If you are installing a toilet in your basement. I’ve heard some people talk about trying to find the correct size or having toilets work properly in the basement. Is there anything that people should be considering when they are making that decision for toilets specifically for basements.


Aaron from Yes you want to make sure that your toilet has enough flow. Generally most of the quality toilets will use a map rating. You want to look for a toilet that is close to 1000 MPA which is the map rating. That signifies the amount of water that is going to push or flow in one flush. In a basement you make sure that you are getting all the waste out of the pipes. The other thing that you want to do is that a lot of people are looking for the rough-end spot. That is because it is specially the case in older homes where the 10 inch rough-end the concrete you cannot easily change that.  You do not have a lot of choices with 10” toilets typically. One thing that we like about the Eago brand toilets is because you can use the same toilet that you use in your standard 12 inch rough-in. You can use that it is a 10 inch rough-in toilet as well just by changing a mounting flange which we are able to supply to our customers. That gives us more options that they can still use an elegant looking toilet even in these difficult applications.


Rob Green: Very cool. That is awesome that you can…essentially almost like an adapter that you are using. What did you call that again?


Aaron from It is just a different mounting flange. The flange mounts to the floor then you just drop the toilet on top. Then you put silicone around it and it makes it super easy. Most people that are use to the old toilets that you have to bolt down everything. With these new ones you essentially drop them on and they’re good to go.


Rob Green: Wow,  that is very cool. Awesome. Well, I think that is all the questions that I have specifically around Eco-friendly toilets, the features and all of that.  If someone is watching this and they have more questions above and beyond what we are talk about. Is their way they can contact someone at perfect bath or yourself if they have questions about their specific situation or they are really still trying to make a decision around the toilet?


Aaron from Absolutely. You know that anybody can give me a call personally. Our toll-free number 1-866-843-1641. We are happy to answer any of questions or you can find me an email. I’ll be happy to answer you back. Just send it to We’ll get back to you as quickly as we can to help answer your questions.


Rob Green: Awesome I’ll put that in the description underneath the video so if someone needs the phone number I will put it there. To make it easy. Where would they find you online. It is, is that right?


Aaron from Absolutely. Yes, come check us out. We got some nice bathroom fixtures.


Rob Green: Awesome. Thank you so much Aaron and you have a fantastic rest of your day. If you’re watching this I hope you enjoy this and if you have any other questions definitely shoot Aaron an email and give him a shout.


Aaron from Yes, thanks a lot Rob.


Rob Green: Thanks talk you soon.


Interview with Rob Green from Adversponse and Aaron Gruenke from


The post What is an Eco Friendly Toilet appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Things not to do when remodeling your Bathroom

When it comes to remodeling tips, everyone’s full of advice. It seems like plenty of contractors, websites, and designers have suggestions about what to do, how to do it and where to do it at, but when it comes to avoiding the cardinal “don’ts” concerning your bathroom space, there’s considerably less information out there. If you don’t have a lot of experience when it comes to remodeling your home’s interior, it can be a daunting and often scary process. Of course, you want to make all the right changes for your home, the ones that will turn a mundane room into something spectacular, but at the same time, you don’t want to end up with faulty plumbing or disastrous design flaws. As much as it’s important to know the right kinds of action steps for your bathroom remodel, it’s also crucial to understand what steps you should avoid.

So, if you’re looking for more specific direction in what steps to take, and what steps not to take in your bathroom remodel, check out our following suggestions.

Don’t Forget the Design Plan
It can be easy to just pick out colors and products you like without really thinking about who they will serve, but having a design plan to keep you focused will be worth it in the end. Think about the long-term use of the bathroom. Will it be a kids’ bathroom, a guest bath, or the master suite? Should the décor be more practical or more luxurious? Think about the purpose of the bathroom, and then design accordingly.
                                                                  Photo Credit:

Don’t Reroute Plumbing or Ventilation
While it can be tempting to rearrange your whole bathroom and change the way everything was previously structured, it’s best to keep the plumbing and ventilation intact and work around the existing construction.  You can never be certain that what you’re doing now won’t have negative effects later down the road. You don’t want to enjoy your newly renovated bathroom and then suddenly find a major plumbing or ventilation problem that makes you tear everything out all over again.

Bathroom1                                                             Photo Credit:

Don’t Cut Corners on Key Materials
With an assortment of products in relatively low-cost options, it might sound appealing to spend less on less desirable products, such as the toilet. But time will show that it’s important to get high-quality products where the appliances will be used frequently, and when it comes to the bathroom, that means almost all of the most major appliances or plumbing fixtrues. If you don’t have the budget for high-quality products, it might be better to postpone the bathroom project until your budget allows for serious upgrades.

Bathroom2                                                                  Photo Credit:

These are some of the most serious “don’ts” we came up with when considering a bathroom renovation, and if you follow these basic guidelines, we believe that you’ll be on the right track to gaining a pretty spectacular remodel. Ultimately, however, understanding what things to avoid is all part of the learning process, and we’d love to hear from some of our more experienced remodelers on what they’d suggest you don’t do in your bathroom remodel. Drop a comment in the field below and share your feedback!


Contributed by Aaron Gruenke  Foremost expert in Saunas and Steam showers and bathroom fixtures. Aaron is an author and writes for  and other home improvement websites.

The post Things not to do when remodeling your Bathroom appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada

Flooring Ideas for Bathrooms

Bathroom Flooring

Bathroom – a place in the house where you can be all by yourself. Get ready in the mornings for unending running around during the day only to come back to its solitary comfort to relax and rejuvenate for a good night’s sleep. If just the very space can make so much of a difference, then why not have one with elements that make the time spent there even better!

There are many ways of beautifying a bath space, but the one, ignored often is flooring. Flooring is one of those indispensable design elements that can actually make or break the entire look and feel of a room. Not just going in with what’s currently the hot favorite, but giving a thought to what you want, following an envisioned pattern is primary. Considering this before a bathroom improvement project or remodeling can not just save you from discomfort and regret later but also result in a good resale value.

If you are planning on revamping your bath space or, have just bought a property to be built from scratch, which will house your dream bathroom, then you have probably landed at the right place. Read right on as Perfectbath brings to you a list of flooring options for your bathroom.

Tile Variants – If you are always hard-pressed for time yet can never compromise on cleanliness then getting your bathroom floor tiled is the best you can do. With the market flooded with various options like ceramic, porcelain, heated, vinyl and natural stone variants, tiles come in a variety of colors and textures. Though tiles are very visually appealing and can light up bathrooms with their slightest color play, avoid installing the ones with a high-gloss quotient and an ultra-smooth finish to prevent slipping on wet surfaces.

Laminate – If you are fond of the warmth and timeless beauty, a hardwood floor exudes but do not want to bear the burden of high maintenance, installation and purchase costs then the synthetic multi-layer laminate alternative is what you might be interested in. Though lacking the essence of original wood, laminate flooring is enough to satiate your desire for a wooden looking floor. Laminate floors are easy to clean, more durable and resistant to moisture.

Sheet Vinyl – Perfect option for cost-effective as well as low-maintenance flooring. Also with superior moisture-resistance qualities, vinyl flooring seems to fit the bill as a suitable bathroom surface. And the best part is you can walk over it barefoot without getting shocked into the numbing coldness.

We, at Perfectbath, always strive to ensure that people looking to remodel their existing kitchens and bathrooms, apart from installing fixtures, should be able to find ideas and suggestions at the click of a button. This is the reason we touch upon topics that very well complement the products sold by us. We hope that the information given is of help and would love to hear about your preferences regarding bath flooring.

The post Flooring Ideas for Bathrooms appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada

Thursday, December 17, 2015

AMBIENTE: Space-defining Accessories

What gives architectural spaces that something extra? Along with the classical interior design vocabulary of colour, surfaces, and materials, accessories play an ever greater role here. That is, space-defining accessories that congenially complement the architecture or set a deliberate counterpoint.  (Fairs)

from New articles by Architonic


The winners of the SBID International Design Awards 2015 were revealed on Friday 27 November at another beautiful ceremony at the home of the Awards, the prestigious Dorchester hotel in London. This year’s Awards represented industry talent from 41 countries from all creative corners of the world and awarded projects in The Netherlands, Taiwan, USA, China, Iran and Mexico as well as locations closer to SBID’s London headquarters.  (Industry News)

from New articles by Architonic

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Tough Love

Flexible, adaptable furniture shouldn't mean a compromise on comfort. With its invaluable know-how in office furniture, DAUPHIN brings the rigour it applies to products for the work sphere to its home brand. The result: peerless comfort, extreme robustness.  (Design)

from New articles by Architonic

The Truth About Cancelling Your Listing From Your Realtor

I’ve never heard any Realtor talk about the details of the listing cancellation.  So I decided to vlog/blog about it.

There are 2 types of listing cancellations:

1.  Cancel Protected – This is when the Seller cancels the listing with the Realtor before the expiry date of the listing contract.  The Realtor must comply to this cancellation request.  The Seller must wait till the end of the listing contract before listing it again on the MLS with another Realtor.  If the Seller tries to list it with another Realtor, the Real Estate Board will not allow the listing to go on MLS.

Example:  Sally lists her home with Bob the Realtor from January to June 31st.  Sally requests to have her listing cancelled on March 31st.  Bob must comply.  From April 1st to June 31st, the listing will be cancelled on MLS and Realtors who look up the history will see that it is in Cancel Protected status.  If Sally wants to list her home with George the Realtor, she must wait until July 1st to list it on MLS with George.

2.  Unconditional Release Form – This is when the Seller requests a cancellation of the listing and wishes not to be on Cancel Protected status, doesn’t want to wait until the expiry date of the listing contract and wants to list it with a new Realtor right away.  

The post The Truth About Cancelling Your Listing From Your Realtor appeared first on Vancouver's #1 Family Real Estate Homes, Houses, And Condos For Sale | Gary Wong Realty.

from Vancouver's #1 Family Real Estate Homes, Houses, And Condos For Sale | Gary Wong Realty

„The Loft“, Wortmann

“The Loft”, the transformation of a warehouse into an office for 180 people.  (Product Innovations)

from New articles by Architonic

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Feeding off the Past: new restaurants with a slice of architectural history

An international trend for new restaurants occupying converted spaces that retain key aspects of their original interior-architectural fabric sees diners dining out on past architectural glory.  (Architecture)

from New articles by Architonic

Architonic Interviews: 2015 Market Developments From the Industry's Perspective

Architonic continuously checks the pulse of the markets. Our team visited the key trade shows and design events this autumn to meet the top design brands.  (Architonic Trend Analysis)

from New articles by Architonic

The Secret is Out!

Okay, so we’ve been working on a little something.

A customer came in a few weeks ago, and wanted a cart for his employee, an accountant for the company, that was retiring after 35 years with the company. We thought, Wow! What a great gift! I winked at the owner and said “nudge nudge” and she said, “If you stay with us for 35 years, you can have one too!” Incentive! I like that!

white yamaha drive electric gas golf cart
IMG_0424We started with a basic 2011 Yamaha Gas cart. The cart is going to a recreation property near Whistler, BC, so it needs to have a little off-road capabilities. So, we started talking about a lift kit and tires. This became a 6″ lift kit with our beefiest 23″ treads, mounted on some gorgeous 12″ black and aluminum wheels.

yamaha drive vortex body grey silver golf cartNext, we replaced the stock Yamaha body with a nice shiny silver/grey Vortex body. Added a standard light package, giving the driver the ability to maneuver around the trees at night!
The cart definitely needed a back seat, but not just ANY back seat! The Max5 convertible flip seat with matching Extreme cushions … that’s what it needed! And to provide some cover for all the passenger, an extended roof, in matching silver/grey, of course! Add Extreme matching front cushions, and we are all set to go!

The cart was a surprise, and it was delivered this morning. Hope he likes it!yamaha drive grey silver gas electric golf cart

from rsccustomgolfcartsblog

Monday, December 14, 2015

Mountain High, River Deep

With their first-rate designs authored by the likes of Marc Sadler and Patrick Jouin, not to mention their ‘Made in Italy’ stamp, it’s no wonder PEDRALI’s products have been specified for an international array of diverse and enviable contract projects.  (Design)

from New articles by Architonic

Heimtextil 2016 – Worlds of textile well-being and trends for hotels, interior design and architecture

The significant growth in exhibitor numbers is a clear indication that Heimtextil remains the most important platform in its sector in 2016 and that the themes are very much in line with the sector's current preoccupations. From 12 to 15 January 2016, Heimtextil will assemble more than 2,700 exhibitors at the world's largest trade fair for home and contract textiles. The range of products covers the world's largest international selection of contract textiles for the hotel trade, architectural use and interior design. More than 350 of the Heimtextil exhibitors, who come from all over the world, will be presenting their portfolios under the 'Contract Creations' seal.  (Fairs)

from New articles by Architonic

Material Tendencies: Michael Young

Looking for a new journey, Michael Young moved to Hong Kong in 2006 where he was quickly intrigued by the highly evolved engineering skills and manufacturing opportunities. With a spirit of industrial adventure, the British designer likes to explore the facilities of the local factories and pushes its traditional techniques to new limits.  (Architonic Trend Analysis)

from New articles by Architonic

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Architonic TOP 200 Brands 2015

The end of the year is a good time to look back and reflect on important trends and developments. Our ongoing Architonic Trend Analysis series has collected traffic information over the course of 2015 in order to offer you valuable insights into the architecture and design markets.  (Architonic Trend Analysis)

from New articles by Architonic

Nuovo Image Book by Driade

Driade presents the new image book that, under the artistic direction of David Chipperfield, highlights the 2015 collection photographed along with some recent products together with some iconic ones, to emphasize the continuity between past, present and future.  (Industry News)

from New articles by Architonic

Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair 2016

We would like to welcome you to the world’s largest meeting place for Scandinavian design. It has the most comprehensive selection of furniture, office furnishings, lighting, design objects, textiles and other interior furnishing for both homes and public spaces. The fair has a reputation as one of the most interesting design fairs in the world.  (Fairs)

from New articles by Architonic

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Maison&Objet: designer of the year

Every year, MAISON&OBJET spotlights the most outstanding names on the international design and decor scene today. Since 2015, MAISON&OBJET has choosen one Designer of the Year for each show: two for MAISON&OBJET PARIS (January and September), one for MAISON&OBJET ASIA and one for MAISON&OBJET AMERICAS. For MAISON&OBJET PARIS, each of these two designers must fit within the profile of each of the Paris shows, that is, a more product design-oriented profile in January and a designer more closely related to the world of interior architecture or decor for September.  (Fairs)

from New articles by Architonic

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Light + Building 2016: perfectly joined-up

The eighth edition of Light + Building, from 13 to 18 March 2016, invites visitors to experience the worlds of lighting, design and networked building-services technology. The top-level themes are lighting-design trends, human-centric lighting, smart homes, smart powered buildings and security technology.  (Fairs)

from New articles by Architonic

CEA Design

CEA is a manufacturing company specialized in stainless steel working applied to high-quality design products.  (Industry News)

from New articles by Architonic

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

3 Tips for First-Time Home Sellers

Selling a home is nothing like buying one. First-time sellers need to consider some important points before getting started. Here are 3 tips for first-time home sellers.

Prepare Your Home for Market

One of the biggest mistakes made by first time home sellers is that they do not know how to or understand how important it is to prepare a home for the open real estate market.  Before selling a home for the first time, it’s important you realize how important it is to make sure your home is show-ready as soon as it’s listed for sale.

Another excellent way for a first time home seller to prepare their home for the market is by making low-cost home improvements before listing the home for sale.  Just a few of the most popular low-cost home improvements to consider making before selling your home for the first time include;

  • Freshly painting rooms
  • Professionally cleaning floors and/or carpeting
  • Replacing outdated light fixtures
  • Replacing outdated hardware on cabinetry

 Source: Rochesterrealestateblog

Enlist the Help of a Good Real-estate Agent

Many people choose real-estate agents based on referrals from family and friends, but look beyond that to make sure you’re working with someone who does a lot of business in your particular neighborhood.

The post 3 Tips for First-Time Home Sellers appeared first on Vancouver's #1 Family Real Estate Homes, Houses, And Condos For Sale | Gary Wong Realty.

from Vancouver's #1 Family Real Estate Homes, Houses, And Condos For Sale | Gary Wong Realty


The Rich Increase Their Risk Threshold, The Poor Decrease Theirs

Gary’s Words of Wisdom (WOW):

Standing Still Does Not Decrease Risk, it Increases It

One of the concepts I’ve learned recently after listening to a podcast interview of a multi-millionaire was the concept of exercising our risk threshold muscles.

The man shared about how to build muscles, one must exercise a particular body group to the point where the muscle breaks down. It’s at that point where the body sends signals to the brain to send protein to that area and rebuild the muscle, bigger than before.

He shared about how entrepreneurs need to exercise their risk threshold like a muscle. How we need to gradually increase our risk threshold so that we can obtain greater gains in our business.

We all know the concept that the greater the risk, the greater the reward. I’m not telling you to go out there and take giant risks that are way out of your league. I’m not telling you to take risks that could bankrupt you instantly. Nor am I saying you don’t take calculated risks.

All I’m saying is that we need to exercise our risk threshold muscle. When I first entered the real estate industry, I thought investing in real estate was risky, but as I developed market knowledge and market intelligence, it is no longer as risky as I first perceived it.

The post SECRET REALTOR TALKS with Gary Wong appeared first on Vancouver's #1 Family Real Estate Homes, Houses, And Condos For Sale | Gary Wong Realty.

from Vancouver's #1 Family Real Estate Homes, Houses, And Condos For Sale | Gary Wong Realty

Monday, December 7, 2015

Light + Building 2016: Where modern spaces come to life: digital – individual – networked

“Where modern spaces come to life: digital - individual – networked” is Light + Building’s motto for 2016. The combination of both lighting and building services technology makes this the leading international trade fair in its field - with a product range unparalleled in both breadth and depth. At the show, the industry will be presenting intelligent solutions, breakthrough technology and current design trends, which not only increase the efficiency of a building but also improve the comfort, security, design and quality of life for the people who use it.  (Fairs)

from New articles by Architonic

Last Minute Gift Ideas

Are you frantically searching for some last minute gifts for your Golf Cart? Here are a few suggestions!

custom golf cart brush guard chromeGet a Brush Guard for your already awesome off-road golf cart. Not only does it push away the branches and debris, it also looks really cool!



custom golf cart side mirrorNeed to see who is eating your dust? Get a mirror! We have side view and rear view available.


custom golf cart dash woodgrain carbon fiberNothing says “I love my golf cart” like a wood grain or carbon fiber dash kit. These mount easily over your existing dash, adding a lot of class, and a little bling to your cart. Matching locking inserts are also available.




custom golf cart led light barFront lights, rear lights, spot lights, emergency lights, colored LED glow lights; we have many lights available. Our favorite kit is our Deluxe LED with front and rear lights, brake and signal lights, a horn, and it all operates from a remote on your steering wheel!

custom golf cart aviator steering wheel

And speaking of steering wheels, check out this custom Aviator II carbon fiber racing wheel! We have it in wood grain, too, to match that dash kit!


custom golf cart rear seatNeed more passenger room? Get a rear seat kit, and tell your passengers to jump on the back! Need more cargo space? Flip the seat down, and it gives you a deck! The seats are available in a multitude of colors, too!


seatbeltWith all those people on board, and your cart decked out for cruising, you need seat belts to keep everyone safe! Standard belts, or retractable available.

custom golf cart enclosureOh, too bad; it’s raining! No problem, with your golf cart all wrapped up in a drivable enclosure, you can drive around and not get wet! If you decide to just park it for the rainy season, then you can just tuck it in with a cover. Nighty night!



We have most of these items in stock! Call us today for pricing availability for your cart.


from rsccustomgolfcartsblog